Wearth Picture


Explore a new planet in the cosmos and get some virtual reality experience. You have the possibility to interact and deforming the shape of that planet with your actions. See how it randomly generates the shape of the planet whenever you restart your experience. Join a journey through the galaxy that brings you into another dimension.

In this project I was trying to shown how you can randomly deforme vertices of a sphere with code and showcase how you can interact and manipulate the shape with your actions in the VR world of the HTC Vive. As a plus you also get the possibility to restart the game and you'll get new shapes of the sphere which are randomly generated. But be aware, an astroid is on the way to your planet and will destroy everything and your journey is over.

Job at this Project

  • Scripting (Unity)
  • VR Experience
  • Research Random Facts
  • Design & Modeling