Uzoma Picture

Uzoma's Quest

Uzoma is the name of the main character and he is on a journey to find all the dragon eggs in exchange for his child who has been stolen by a dragon. It is a 2D sidscroller game that is played from right to left and not from left to right as usual. The reason why we did that is because I made that game with two total non gamers in our first game design modul. They came up with a lot of different ideas that I never thought about.

We made that game in just 9 days (one day of introducing Unreal Engine) and to work on that project with two non gamers was really hard but the game would never be as unique and beautiful without their fresh view into the game world. I was in charge for the coding, animation and the level design. My other two colleagues made the graphics, setting and story.

Job at this Project

  • Level Design
  • Scripting (Unreal Engine)
  • Level Design & Story
  • Technical Artist